
It deeply clones the given value.


import { clone } from '@opentf/std';
clone<T>(val: T): T;

If you need more types to clone with transferable objects, please use the native structuredClone (opens in a new tab) global function.


clone(); // undefined
clone(undefined); // undefined
clone(null); // null
clone(true); // true
clone(false); // false
clone('abc'); // 'abc'
clone(1); // 1
clone(1n); // 1n
input = new Date();
output = clone(input);
input === output; // false
input = [1, 2, 3];
output = clone(input);
input === output; // false
input = { x: 0, y: 1 };
output = clone(input);
input === output; // false
input.y === output.y; // true
input = { 
  arr: [1, 2, 3], 
  obj: { a: 'abc', b: 123 },
  date: new Date(),
  map: new Map([['a', 1], ['b', 2]]) 
output = clone(input);
input === output; // false
output.arr === input.arr; // false
output.obj === input.obj; // false
output.map === input.map; // false
